Friday, May 25, 2007

Relocation ...

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

How to ... ... ...?

How to WHAT???
How to Remove a Hickey? **???

Yep, my eyes is perfectly right, they didn't play any trick on me. It's well and truly "How to remove a hickey"? that I'm reading on my personalized Google homepage's "How to of the day".

Now see, the "How to of the Day" is kinda like a treasure box full of how-to jewels. If you have any "how to" questions that have been bothering you, the wikiHow is THE place you should be. Well, you could hop on the wikiHow site looking for some how-to's even if you don't have any how-to questions. heheheheeee....

They have (just about) everything, anything ... millions, literally, millions of how-to on their site. Some of them are practical (like "How to remove a hickey? you ask? =)), some are 2-part practical with 8-part hilarious - - - like this one: How to sleep comfortably on a hot night? or this one: How to have a perfect back to school makeover?

Tho'... there are some other Wiki how-to's that I question the virtuouness:
How to be a mean girl?
How to become the queen bee of your whole entire school?

Life for the youngster, the teenagers is complicated enough, I don't think we need such information to complicate it further more! Do we??

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Mistaken a man for a bird???

I guess most of you had learned about the story of the vp Cheney shot a man on the face on a quail hunting trip in Sth Texas on Saturday. It was already Sunday pm when I first read about the news on Reuters. It's no news about hunters shooting their hunting companions on a deer or duck hunting. BUT ... it's the first I heard of on a quail hunting trip! I can't help but laughed at it when I heard about it again on CNN news. I told my hubby that the media will sure have a field day on Monday. Hahhh... and they did!

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This is the one that I first learned about the shooting
Cheney accidentally shoots hunting companion: CNN

This is good!! Have a read ... it's gonna make you laugh! =))
TV joke writers take shots at Cheney

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Junk Dumping Ground

{{{Ahhhhh...}}} *pulling hair*

Our home has becomes the official dumping ground of my MIL. It's awfully frustrating having to pick up after her, specially if she doesn't live here. How? You ask.

OK... this is how she does it. For example, she would pick up some freebies (ie. posters, brochures, cheapo keychains, deodorant samples, etc) from some fairs or festival events ... then dump them at our place when she comes to visit. The most annoying thing is she didn't even ask if we would like to have them or if any of those are any useful to us. She just dumped them on the dinning table or coffee table. This is what happened 2wks ago. First I thought she'd forgotten to take them with her when she left. But my hubby, knowing his mother, told me she didn't forget those stuffs are for us.

me: For us? You sure?
hubby: Yes.
me: But ... but but I didn't hear she say anything or ask if we would like to keep them.
hubby: No, she didn't. But this is her way of leaving stuff for her family.
me: Huh? How? How does she know without asking. Maybe we don't need or don't like any of those.
hubby: ... ... ... ... ... ... *speechless*
me: Anyway... I'm telling you I don't need any of those. I'm going to give them back to her.

And... that was what I did when she was here 2 days later.
In a way, I'm trying to tell her this is how you'll be treated if this is how you treat others**. If you want others to R-E-S-P-E-C-T you, first learn how to respect others. It's a 2-way street!! Mmmm... most importantly, I want to send her a message that our house is not some junkyard and we're not hobos or beggars who live by her disposal. Even if we're we deserve more respect that this!

**background info:
She returned a jigsaw puzzle CD that we gave her as a gift a while ago. Don't get me wrong, I've no problem with others returning the gifts if they (for whatever reason) don't want it or don't like it. It's ok if she just came out and said she doesn't like it or she doesn't even have to tell us why she's returning the gift to us but at least has the guts to tell us she's doesn't want the gift. But NO! She just slipped the CD in a plastic bag among other things when she visited us a few days later.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Lunar New Year Celebration

Today is the 2nd day of the Lunar New Year. Had the guests over (just the in-laws and the brother's family) on Saturday, which was the new year's eve, for a family dinner together (a Lunar New Year tradition).

Original plan for Saturday was to get up early, something like 8am, to get things rolling. But but but ... we didn't go to bed until around 4am the night before so I snoozed until around 9am. Hubby went to pick up the car from the garage and me at home prepared to get sweaty and dirty in the kitchen. Listed and priotized what tasks to do in the am and what to be done just before the guests arrive. Everything went according to plan (phew~~~)... until ... the phone rang (~1:45pm)... it was the brother asking if it's ok that they come an hour early.

%*&!$#(*&_^@ WHAT??? Coming AN HOUR early? That means they'll be here at around 3pm instead of 4pm (on the invitation). Mannn... I'm truly not impressed. There's nothing I can do about it, but I'm not impressed!! It's easier for them to decide to come an hour early but have they thought of with their early arrival, the hosts will have to keep them entertained instead of being able to get things ready as what hosts planned to do mostly??!!

So, for the next hour or so I was scrambling and tumbling in the kitchen. I started complaining to the hubby about their punctuality manner - - - arriving an hour early messed up my schedule of what to do first/later and when to do them. He tried to calm me down as I was getting antsy and agitated, he said:

"I told them it's ok to come early, but I didn't say I'm going to let them in straightaway."
"Look... it's totally their right and freedom to come early, yet it's our right and decision whether to let them in."


- Yes, the guests did arrive early and no, we didn't let them out in the cold. It'd be rude!! >!<
- Snacks & Starter and dinner were served on time, and went well in our perspective. ^.^
- Only one little imperfection tho', one of the couples were giving each other cold looks throughout the entire gathering. "_"
- Other than that ... everybody had a great time celebrating the arrival of a lunar new year! ^m^

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Can I wear this to bed too?

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Yes this is what Miss Sharapova wore in court (played compatriot Petrova on Jan 24 and Henin-Hardenne on Jan 26) at the Australian Open.

This is probably one of the ugliest tennis dress I've ever seen!!! YEAP! Even uglier than what the Williams sisters wear in court. I couldn't make up exactly what the dress is - - - is it a tennis dress? or a dance gown? For some reason, I keep on seeing Elizabeth Bennet (in Pride and Prejudice mini-series by BBC, played by Jennifer Ehle) everytime the camera focused on her. Except, Sharapova's tennis dress is: 1) a lot shorter and 2) has spaghetti strings instead of the short/long sleeves that Elizabeth Bennet wore.

When I asked my husband what he sees in Sharapova's tennis dress. He said it looks like one of the nighties I wear to bed. Hooo Hooo Hooo ... now that's a bit harsh!! He said, maybe she hit the snooze button that morning and slept in. Didn't realized about the time and had to rush out to the court without changing into "something more appropriate".

Personally, I couldn't stand watching (or listening to) Sharapova plays, the noise that she makes is just pure irritating! My husband (the harsh Sharapova critic) said watching her plays is like watching a porn movie - the revealing dress and the yelling/screaming she makes everytime she hits the ball are perfect ingredients for porn movie!!

The one on the front left is Elizabeth Bennet.
img src:

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Coffee & Chocolates

This is for those who enjoy coffee (or addicted to coffee, rather) and love chocolates (or chocoholic, =)) ! I used to buy and eat this very often - - - the chocolate coated coffee beans (whole bean, mind you) when I lived in NZ. Can buy them at the regular supermarket. But after searching high and low, I haven't seen anything like this here in the States. Quite disappointing, really!

Then, one day when we're out grocery shopping at our local supermarket, I saw this little boxes labelled "Milk Chocolates Coffee Beans" I knew straightaway it's what I've been looking for. I can't remember the exact price, but I think it's somewhere around $3. If you enjoy coffee as much as chocolates, you really should try this. It is really really NICE!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New Year's Eve Discovery

Made this discovery as we're on the way to my husband's brother's place in the NW of Houston for a new year family gathering. About 5mins from the destination ... right in front of the traffic lights (it was red light) ... I yelled out "Piccomolo" followed by "Italian Ice Cream"!!! Mannn... as always, my high pitchrd voice (and loud too! mind you!!) shocked my husband who was fully concentrated on the traffic in front of and beside us. When he heard his dear wife yelled out "Italian Ice Cream" he reacted with a quick swing to the left lane (almost thrown me outta the car in the process!!!) so he can turn into Piccomolo when the light went green.

That whole a minute and a half of waiting for the light to turn green was as long as it can be. I can hardly content the excitement for being trapped in the car.

I made the quickest dash into the shop as soon as my husband parked the car. The rest ... I ... errr... can't remember. The only memory I have of that afternoon was we bought a box of ice-cream combo (5 flavors: honestly I can only remember 3/5 flavors that we picked:
cookies&cappucino , mango & peach, and peanut butter) for everybody and 2 scoops (1 flavor each: pistachio and almond&caramel, I think) on a waffle cone for the two of us, just the two of us. =)

We've decided that the next time we see a Piccomolo, we're gonna buy a tub of 5-flavor combo for ourself, too!

Look at the blue sunny sky! It's a perfect ice cream day.

Piccomolo Italian Ice Cream
12914 F.M. 1960 Rd. W. Ste.A
Houston, Tx 77388

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

My Christmas Present

Mannn ... I know it's a little bald, but I don't think there's anybody out there who gets a Christmas present as big & mobile as the one I got from my sweetie husband.

Way way before Christmas ... I had been whinning about needing a more spacious kitchen for the stuff that had started to pile up on one of the corners. For that we'd been shopping around for a shelf to store my kitchen precious & treasures and his "junks" (heheheheee...) but we can't seen to find one that we like - - - it's either too tall or too short, or we miraculously found one of the height that we want but it can't fit into where we wanna put it. All in all, it'd been a long hunting process for, what we thought, a simple kitchen shelf.

Anyhoo... about 1.5wks before Christmas ... he decided to build one himself. This way we could have it the way we want it to be. So... the Saturday before Christmas eve, we went to Lowe's to buy all the materials needed for building the shelf. After that ... he worked pretty much day&night on it. Every morning, way before I was up, he's already out and about working on the shelf; and every night I pretty much had to drag his butt to bed or he would still be working, well into the wee hour!

After a week of hard work - measuring, sawing, drilling, and hammering, on top of everythingelse ... we finally have a kitchen shelf that we like in term of design and size. Obviously, I knew he's building the shelf, so there's no surprise there. What surprised me was what I saw being engraved on!! Look!!

left: actual engraving
right: charcoal trace on the engraved characters

He engraved "Hanzi" characters (or mandarin characters) saying: From Oxie To Piggie (note: oxie is him and piggie is me). Originally he was gonna engrave "A Christmas Present From Oxie To Piggie" ... but one character would take him 30 ~ 45mins to do (or a lilttle longer for more complicated characters ... amazing, isn't it?!) which means, the whole clause would take him at least 6hrs to finish! I stopped him from any further engraving when I found out how long each character took him. I told him if he wants, he could add the characters later. Mmmm... he actually suggested that maybe he'll find a way to add a removable plate onto where the engraving was being done on ... this way ... he could customize it to say: "A Birthday Present From Oxie To Piggie" or "A Valentine's Day Present From Oxie To Piggie", etc. Of course... he got a kick on the behind for that! =))

The engraving was done on a "real-time basis" ... meaning ... no tracing or writing on the wood before carving. So ... if an extra stroke was mistakenly carved, that was it!! It's truly work of a professional!

note2: My husband used to carve stone stamps as a hobby. I guess that's why the engraving on the shelf was piece of cake to him.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas Eve Luncheon

The family - the in-laws, husband's bro's family, and us got together for a Christmas eve luncheon on the 24th at a Cantonese restaurant for dimsum. After that everyone came back to our place for an afternoon of fun (some played games on the pc, surfed the net on the other, played mahjong, or just plain chit-chatting and nibbling).

It was another good on all grounds family gathering. Mmmm... come to think of it, maybe my expectation of the family gathering is getting lower and lower or else why would I be so pleased by just a simple gathering?? Uhhh??

Anyway, just wanting to show off a pic of my toenails (painted specially for the holidays) taken by my husband as we're getting the car after a very satisfying luncheon. Yeap... that was his shadow!! =))

adopt your own virtual pet!